Chalmor Energy Awards Shortlist

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3 Sep 2014

Chalmor Energy Awards Shortlist

We are finalsts in the Energy Awards 2014, Energy Efficient Product of the Year category!Chalmor’s eTRV+ has been shortlisted for the Energy Awards Energy Efficient Product of the Year HVAC&R. eTRV+ provides the opportunity for all UK buildings with radiators to reduce energy consumption by up to 30% The UK has a high proportion of old building stock, with varying heating requirements and we struggle to find quick win energy savings. eTRV+ provides a flexible, low maintenance energy saving solution. It is suitable for anywhere with a radiator system and suits any type of room, at home or commercially front or back of house, it makes differing heating requirements manageable. eTRV+ provides accurate control of temperature on a room by room basis, increasing comfort and eliminating overheating. Optional features such as PAIR, which senses occupancy, enable enhanced energy saving in areas with intermittent use, for example meeting rooms. eTRV+ has been proven to provide energy savings of up to 30%, click to see more, or contact our team on 01582 748700 to discuss your project. Chalmor provide energy saving lighting and heating solutions. With over thirty years of experience, we combine innovation, attention to detail and flexibility to tailor solutions to meet your exact requirements. We design systems that are simple to operate and maintain and provide the lowest lifetime costs. Contact our team on 01582 748700,,

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