Chalmor's self funding solar subscription plan

The Chalmor Solar subscription plan enables schools and colleges to install solar without any initial capital investment providing immediate positive cashflow. During the lifetime of the plan all maintenance is included and at the end of the agreement there is no further obligation.

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More Than Saving

Significant 6 figure income

For a typical school roof a 6 figure income can be generated over the lifetime of the plan. The financials for installing solar have changed as a result of higher energy prices and more efficient and cost effective solar panels that will keep generating energy for 25 or more years.

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Trusted partner

Given the nature of schools and complexities of a solar installation it is essential that you work with a supplier who gives you the confidence that they will meet your expectations and will be there to support you should anything unplanned happen.

Chalmor have been advising and giving schools peace of mind for more than 40 years in energy efficiency. We take responsibility for system design, specification, contractor selection, obtaining competitive pricing, survey and installation.

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Our Promise

Long term savings

By installing solar panels schools can generate their own renewable energy resulting in significant savings on electricity bills. The savings achieved will more than cover the subscription payments providing a long term income stream.

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Energy independence

With the subscription plan you own the solar installation from day 1 and will continue to benefit from the energy savings for 25 or more years.  Solar creates a sustainable financial model where the school can enjoy free, clean electricity for years to come diverting funds that would have been spent on utility bills to other education needs.

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Education opportunities

By installing solar panels schools can offer hands-on learning experiences for pupils to understand renewable energy, sustainability and environmental stewardship. This practical exposure prepares students for a future focussed on clean energy technologies.

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Environmental Impact

The installation of solar panels will make a significant reduction to reducing the school’s carbon footprint and combating climate change.  The school can demonstrate environmental leadership and inspire pupils, staff and the local community to embrace renewable energy solutions.

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Positive community image

Solar panels are a visible show that the school's commitment to sustainability and will enhance its reputation in the community.  The solar installation can generate positive publicity as a community leader in sustainability.

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Resilience and energy security

Solar panels will also provide the school with a degree of energy resilience.  By generating their own electricity and with battery storage the school can ensure uninterrupted power supply for critical operations creating a safe and reliable environment for pupils and staff.

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