Deal or no Deal?

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5 Apr 2012

Deal or no Deal?

A new poll reveals that small construction companies, building product manufacturers and suppliers have failed to get to grips with the workings of the Green Deal.  The survey was conducted by the Epwin Group at Ecobuild in London last week, suggesting that small businesses in the building industry are unprepared for the Government’s Green Deal.

energy efficiency for homes

Participants were asked to rank their ‘preparedness’ on a scale of one to five, one being unprepared, 84 percent of businesses whom employ 50 people or fewer admitted to a low level of readiness ahead of the Green Deal launch in October.  Only 4 percent of this grouping believed that they were fully geared to win new business through the Government’s dual targeted programme, to cut the carbon footprint of the UK housing stock and kick-start economic growth in the UK building sector.

The reminder of this grouping (representing 29 per cent of all surveyed) claimed some awareness but admitted that they had more work to do.  The results came about after Greg Barker, minister for climate change, recapped the Government’s commitment ahead of the Green Deal’s launch in October at ecobuild. Barker spoke positively about the Green Deal despite concerns surrounding elements of its operation.  Read Greg Barker’s Green Deal speech from Ecobuild here.

The survey carried out by Epwin Group and conducted at ecobuild held at Excel, London in March, revealed that this was in stark contrast to the responses given by large businesses employing 250 or more people.  Representing just over half of the larger businesses polled, 61 per cent stated that their plans for the Green Deal were advanced and 16 per cent said that they had a moderate level of “readiness”.

23 per cent of the larger businesses said that they were unprepared for the Green Deal; however, both large and medium sized businesses are still more advanced than small construction companies, ensuring that they can take advantage of business opportunities generated by the scheme.

Jim Rawson, chairman, Epwin Group said:

“What is concerning here is that the Epwin poll suggests Government is so far failing in its efforts to engage effectively with smaller businesses and this may equate in their exclusion voluntarily or involuntarily from scheme.”

He went onto say:

“The impact of this is all the more significant as it is this very grouping that it has identified as important in delivering job creation and supporting recovery in construction and the UK economy overall.”

Greg Barker alluded to the imminent unveiling of new initiatives to encourage wider participation in the scheme by smaller contractors and suppliers.

Consumers don’t have to wait for the Green Deal Scheme to take advantage of energy efficient heating products for their homes.  Controlling the cost of central heating by saving energy is a key issue tackled head on by our award winning eTRV.     This is an innovative, British-made electronic thermostatic radiator valve that has the potential to save on gas or oil central heating costs by typically between 15% and 25%.   This product is ideal for retrofit and refurbishment projects and allows quick wins when it comes to carbon reduction for Green Deal installers.

This clever invention created by heating control specialists, Chalmor Limited, makes it easy for the central heating radiators in each room to be individually and very flexibly operated by using the eTRV’s neat, slim remote controlled handset.


After four years in development and testing during which time eTRV won several awards, this energy-saving product is now available for use in homes and in commercial and public buildings.

So Easy - Existing thermostatic radiator valves can be easily replaced by eTRV at home within minutes by simply unscrewing and replacing with eTRV.   If the property does not have thermostatic radiator valves then eTRV needs to be fitted professionally.

Each radiator can be controlled not only individually, but in an extremely flexible way.   In the home, for example, the bathroom could be heated throughout the day but to a comfort temperature in the morning, a low temperature in the day and an economy temperature in the evening.   Similarly a sitting room could be heated just weekday evenings but all afternoon and evening at weekends.


 Room by room flexible control

 References:   eTRV provides a cost effective alternative to the more traditional thermostatic radiator valves. Call us today on 01852 748 700 or email

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