Energy Costs on the Rise for UK Businesses

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3 May 2012

Energy Costs on the Rise for UK Businesses

Department of Energy and Climate Change predict increases... Chalmor can help  <a HREF=to save energy in your business today. " width="195" height="143" />Government own analysis of its policies has identified that energy bills for businesses to rise by approximately a fifth by the end of the decade - now is the time to look into solutions that could help save energy in your business. The annual energy statement anticipates average gas and electricity bills for medium-sized companies will rise by 19% by 2020 and 28% by 2030.  Electricity bills will increase 34% by 2020 and 45% by 2030. The Department of Energy and Climate Change predict increases for medium sized businesses was less than a forecast a year ago due to programmes such as funding the renewable heat incentive through general taxation rather than a levy on fossil fuel suppliers. On a more positive note, the government’s figures predict that average household energy bills would be 7% lower by 2020 than if no energy and climate policies were in place.  These assumptions are based on estimates that 14m homes will be insulated – free of charge – under the “Green Deal” carbon-cutting initiative. By introducing energy saving lighting and heating solutions UK businesses can reduce the impact of increasing fuel prices and in many instances save considerable money. Here at Chalmor, we provide a range of solutions that could help you save energy in your business. To make an enquiry please click here.

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