Funding an Energy Saving Lighting Project in a Recession

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25 Sep 2011

Funding an Energy Saving Lighting Project in a Recession

There is little point in developing energy saving lighting solutions if there are no funds to pay for them. Chalmor Ltd has a great range of products designed to assist organisations move towards a low carbon economy, but we are increasingly faced by financially constrained customers who are tempted to go for a short term option rather than a more intelligent system that will deliver significantly greater savings over the longer term. Chalmor is an approved supplier on the Carbon Trust/Siemens Finance Energy Efficiency Financing Scheme which provides project funding.Funding an Energy Saving Lighting Project - made easier with the Carbon Trust  

How does The Energy Efficiency funding work?

The Energy Efficiency Financing scheme provides funding without the need for up front capital outlay to generate a positive cash flow for the duration of the agreement. Siemens funds the supply and installation of the equipment with the capital effectively being repaid from the energy savings achieved. The outcome is improved energy efficiency/carbon reduction through an improved energy efficient lighting system and all achieved without any capital outlay. Crucially, the monthly payments are always less than the savings that the lighting upgrade scheme achieves so both energy and money are saved from the day the installation goes live. Chalmor offers a range of quality range of low energy lighting and energy saving controls that combine together to offer the lowest possible running costs as well as the benefits of low maintenance with extended lamp life. All projects encompass a detailed return on investment that outlines the financial benefits. Chalmor projects are designed to suit the unique requirements of each customer to deliver guaranteed savings with improved light levels. Energy Efficiency Financing is equally applicable to both private and public sector clients. Click here to enquire. g cloud Wildustkingpitu

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