Edinburgh Leisure Lighting & Controls

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21 Sep 2017

Edinburgh Leisure Lighting & Controls

leisure centre lighting in edingburgh leisure A range of facilities operated by Edinburgh Leisure have benefited from a combination of maintenance-free lighting and enhanced lighting control, supplied by energy services specialist Chalmor. These benefits include reduced energy costs, to the tune of £9000 per annum, extended maintenance cycles and enhanced visibility through whiter light, higher lighting levels and improved distribution. As a result, Edinburgh Leisure has reinforced its commitment to sustainability by reducing carbon dioxide emissions and environmental impact. Portobello Baths At the Portobello Baths, for example, energy efficient lighting systems have been installed in both the small pool and the main pool. Existing lighting in the small pool was provided by 20 x 250W high intensity discharge light fittings, generally switched on some time before the pool opened in the morning to allow for the warm-up time of the lamps. On most days, the lighting was then left on until the pool closed in the evening. In the main pool area, the positioning of ventilation ducting prevented direct Portobello Small Pool after 3downlighting, so uplighting to the ceiling was provided by 24 x 250W discharge fittings, again switched on early and left on all day. In both halls, all of the fittings are mounted very high, making access difficult and disruptive and leading to extended periods between re-lamping. Chalmor’s solution replaced existing lighting with 150W Endurance long life, high efficiency fittings on a one for one basis, saving 100W on each fitting without compromising lighting levels. Endurance fittings strike and re-strike instantly, so that the lighting can be switched on and off as and when needed, with no need to allow for warm-up times. Providing a 60,000 hour life, Endurance also extends re-lamping cycles, in this case to 14 years, to achieve significant reductions in maintenance costs. A further benefit to users of the facilities is the whiter light provided by Endurance fittings, giving a brighter feel with improved visibility. The Endurance fittings are linked to Chalmor AutoLux Universal lighting controllers, enabling the lighting to be switched on and off in relation to the occupancy of the pools, providing additional energy savings. As a result of these changes, Portobello baths has made significant savings in its total life-cycle costs. For example, the annual electricity for lighting across the two halls lighting has been reduced from 64,700 kWh to 21,700 kWh, representing an energy saving of 66%. In financial terms, this equates to an annual saving of nearly £4,000 and provides a payback for the new lighting of just over four years. Additional benefits accrue from reduced lamp disposal costs, as discharge lamps will have to be disposed of through specialist sub-contractors under the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive). With Endurance fittings, lamps will only have to be disposed of every 14 years.

Ainslie Park Leisure Centre

Similar benefits have been achieved at the Ainslie Park Leisure Centre, where lighting has been upgraded in the sports hall and the pool hall. Installation of new lighting has also included re-positioning of light fittings to increase lighting levels and provide more even distribution. In the sports hall lighting was provided by 80 twin 55W fluorescent light fittings, manually switched in runs. These have been replaced by 40 x 150W Endurance fittings. In the pool hall, lighting was provided by a combination of 5 x 400W and 16 x 250W discharge fittings. These have been replaced by 27 x 150W Endurance fittings. share via Facebook Share on Facebook
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