Energy Efficient Factory Lighting Upgrade

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22 Sep 2017

Energy Efficient Factory Lighting Upgrade









Energy Efficient Factory Lighting – Cost savings for all manufacturers

Many of the UK’s factories work long hours and often their lighting is left on 24 hours a day even on sunny days. Often the reason is that traditional sodium and Metal Halide lighting takes a long time to warm up to their full output so Site Managers decide it is not practical to turn off lights. Such inefficiencies are very costly and with energy prices ever increasing it makes real sense to look at new lighting technologies that offer excellent energy savings, improved lighting, controllability and a very quick return on investment. In some cases paybacks can be less than one financial year.

  • Are you looking to reduce your energy spend?
  • Do you need better lighting control?
  • Do you have carbon reduction commitment target to achieve?
  • Do you want to improve your shop floor lighting?

Controllable Factory Lighting

Our technical team has an extensive experience in the factory lighting arena and we are able to offer a full design and installation service tailored to our customers’ needs and desires. Our lighting solutions are designed to offer excellent energy saving and often with improved light levels which has a positive effect on the workforce in terms of productivity and morale. Chalmor is also a preferred supplier on the Carbon Trust and Siemens Finance Energy Efficiency Financing scheme which is designed to help English and Scottish manufacturers finance energy saving equipment projects including lighting and heating. We are able to assist companies with applications and tailor projects to meet customer’s resources. With trends in energy prices expected to increase on a regular basis it is critical that the UK’s factory lighting is efficient and in particular in those companies that fall within the Governments carbon reduction commitment programme and targets. Can you afford not to change your lighting? share via Facebook Share on Facebook  

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