Harvey Hadden Award Winning Sports Lighting

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22 Sep 2017

Harvey Hadden Award Winning Sports Lighting

DSCF0933In an award-winning project, Chalmor has supplied a combination of its Brilliance Ultra and Endurance light fittings to help the City Council reduce the installed electrical load at the Harvey Hadden sports complex by 39%. Operational costs for these areas have been reduced by 70%, with a reduction of 63% in carbon emissions. As a result of these major savings, the project was overall winner in the Sports Lighting category of the EMILAS (Energy Management and Innovation in Lighting Award Scheme) awards. In the sports hall and running track areas, existing high pressure sodium (SON) fittings were replaced with Chalmor’s 4 x 54W Brilliance Ultra fittings, using ultra long life (48,000 hours) T5 fluorescent light sources. These are linked to BlueWave lighting controllers to provide enhanced control of the lighting. These are some very impressive savings in one of our latest energy saving lighting for sports halls project. The badminton court lighting, for example, is now lit on a court-by-court basis, with surrounding lights set to background. Similarly, the lighting of the running track is controlled in relation to the nature of the activity; for instance, training requires lower light levels than an actual competition. This level of control was not possible with the SON lighting because of the extended warm-up times of these lamps. In addition, the quality of the lighting has been greatly improved in terms of colour rendering and colour appearance, while maintained illuminance has been increase from around 300 lux to 566 lux. This is accompanied by improved light distribution through the use of two levels of illumination to ensure there are no areas of darkness in unused areas. At all times entry and exit points remain illuminated and clearly visible. “We were very pleased with the management of the project and the way that Chalmor worked around the activities in the space to minimise disruption to users,” commented the Council’s representative. “We have also had very positive feedback about the improved lighting quality from the users of the space,” they added. share via Facebook Share on Facebook
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