Irn Bru Bottling Facility Energy Savings

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21 Sep 2017

Irn Bru Bottling Facility Energy Savings

AG Barr Bottling facility energy savingsChalmor’s Endurance has a lot of bottle!

Long life, maintenance-free Endurance light fittings from Chalmor are helping A G Barr ‘The Irn-Bru Company' gain energy savings of 65% at their Mansfield soft drinks bottling facility, while also providing a return on investment of less than two years. Following an electrical inspection, Barr decided to re-wire the lighting at its Mansfield facility. “This seemed an appropriate time to source a more energy-efficient, less maintenance-intensive lighting solution than the existing high pressure sodium fittings,” explained Shift Manager, Stephen Hancock. Maintenance and re-lamping costs were an important consideration as the lighting is located above production machinery, requiring scaffolding for access, and any such work is potentially disruptive to production. “Although we originally considered high frequency fluorescent light sources, we quickly realised that the 100,000 hour life of the Endurance fittings would give us even greater savings on maintenance costs” Stephen continued. “Endurance also offers better colour rendering and less depreciation of light output with time, compared to the fluorescent option”. Initially, 88 Endurance fittings have been supplied to Barr. Each Endurance fitting provides 100,000 hours of life which, for the hours the lighting is used at Barr, will provide at least 10 years service before re-lamping is required. This alone will save the company £5000 per year on maintenance.

Bottling Facility Energy Savings

In addition, the electrical consumption has been reduced by over 236,000 kWh which, at a conservative electricity tariff of 4p/kWh constitutes savings of nearly £9500 per annum. As a result, the payback on the installation is predicted at just less than two years. When the WEEE Directive comes into force, A G Barr will make further savings as there will be no lamps from this part of the factory to send for recycling for at least 10 years. The Endurance fittings are fully enclosed so there is no risk of glass contamination and their IP65 rating ensures that, in the unlikely event of a major pipe burst, the fittings will not be damaged by any liquid that impacts on them. In addition there is reduced risk of contamination from glass should the luminaires be damaged. As the facility is in use 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday, with engineers and sanitisers working at weekends, Barr has also zoned the lighting with switching in banks of 6 fittings. This enables different light levels to be selected at different times of day, and as Endurance fittings provide instant striking, there is no delay to reach full light output. Download as a PDF share via Facebook Share on Facebook
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