Long Life City University Lighting

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22 Sep 2017

Long Life City University Lighting

energy efficient lighting in univerisity Installation of Chalmor’s long-life Endurance luminaires at City University London's engineering laboratories has resulted in reduced life cycle costs as well as improving lighting quality. Previously, the laboratory had been using a mixture of sodium and mercury light sources and the lighting levels and light quality were not considered suitable, so a decision was made to replace the lighting. “We carried out a life cycle costing analysis, comparing Chalmor’s fittings with T5 fluorescent fittings,” explained the Universities representative. “Over the life time of the installation we calculated we would save at least £50,000 by opting for the Endurance, much of it on maintenance savings because of the exceptionally long life of the fittings. Having worked with Chalmor on a previous project, we were also confident we would receive a high level of technical support,” they added. Long life was a key benefit for this project because of the difficulty of gaining access to light fittings for re-lamping. Endurance luminaires give a life of at least 60,000 hours, as compared to a maximum of 20,000 hours for standard T5 fittings. As a result, in most applications Endurance lamps never need replacing during the life of the fitting. The Endurance lumminaires have not only provided a lower installed load compared to T5 fittings, they have also greatly improved the lighting quality with an average three times increase in light levels across the space as well as better colour rendering and colour appearance. “Users of the space have been very pleased with the higher visibility created by the new lighting, which also has significant health and safety benefits,” they continued. If you want to know about how you can install energy efficient lighting in univerisity environment that you work in, please contact us today. share via Facebook Share on Facebook

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