Lotus Cars Warehouse Lighting Upgrade

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22 Sep 2017

Lotus Cars Warehouse Lighting Upgrade

Warehouse Lighting Upgrade at Lotus CarsAs part of wide-ranging sustainability strategy, Lotus Cars has installed energy efficient, long life Brilliance light fittings from Chalmor at its warehouse and storage areas in Hethel, Norfolk. As well as improving the quality of lighting, the Brilliance fittings are producing savings of over £3500 per annum due to the warehouse lighting upgrade. This will give a payback on the investment of less than 18 months. The storage area originally used 450W high pressure sodium fittings and these have now been replaced, on a point for point basis, by Brilliance fittings using 4 x 54W T5 fluorescent light sources. This has more than halved the installed electrical load and reduced electrical consumption by 48,000 kWh per annum. In addition, Brilliance fittings offer a 24,000 hour life before lamps need to be changed, compared to 10,000 hours for the sodium fittings. As a result, re-lamping cycles have been extended from around every 2 years to every 5 years to give a saving on maintenance of around £750 per annum. “Installing Brilliance fittings has been a key element in a raft of energy efficiency measures we have introduced at the site” explained Lotus Energy Manager, Lee Preston. “As well as reducing costs and carbon emissions, they have greatly improved the quality of the lighting in the area, making it easier to pick components from the racks. The feedback from warehouse staff has been very positive.” Lee added. Download as PDF share via Facebook Share on Facebook
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