Low Maintenance Lighting at College

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22 Sep 2017

Low Maintenance Lighting at College

Endrance could provide huge energy savings at your college. Find out how, TODAY! Maintenance free Endurance light fittings from energy services specialist Chalmor are helping the College save around 33% on the energy and maintenance costs of lighting its vehicle workshop. High energy and maintenance costs in the vehicle workshop led the College to re-evaluate its lighting, in consultation with Chalmor. Following a thorough analysis and energy audit, Chalmor recommended replacing the existing lighting with zero-maintenance Endurance fittings. The workshop was originally lit with 179 fluorescent fittings, each using a single 70W lamp with a need for re-lamping approximately every two years. These were replaced with 49 Endurance fittings to achieve the same light levels and distribution. With a 60,000 hour life, the Endurance fittings will not need re-lamping for about 19 years, saving over £20,000 on maintenance costs alone. In addition, the energy-efficient Endurance luminaires are expected to reduce electricity consumption by 460 MWh during their life, equating to over £22,000 saving in electrical costs, based on current prices and including the Climate Change Levy. These savings on electrical costs are likely to be even greater as electricity prices increase. In environmental terms, these energy savings will lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 276 tonnes over 19 years. share via Facebook Share on Facebook
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