The Waterfront - Smart radiator control in an office to provide improved local temperature control in a modern office

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30 Apr 2019

The Waterfront - Smart radiator control in an office to provide improved local temperature control in a modern office

The Challenge: Chalmor eTRV Innovation Gateway Trial Elstree ‘The Waterfront’ The primary heating system in The Waterfront is Gas fired boilers feeding a VT circuit. Use of eTRV+ technology would reduce the load on the boilers and enable individual control of floors and offices thereby realising energy savings. The Chalmor eTRV+ fits directly to radiators in place of traditional TRV’s, enabling automatic room by room heating control. It is designed to cut energy bills by heating only the rooms that are in use and preventing overheating. Control is regulated by Time and Temperature. The Chalmor Approach The eTRV+ installation was carried out over two days. 100 radiator valve heads were replaced with the eTRV+ electronic thermostatic radiator valves. The set point was programmed to 22 degrees, 7am to 7pm, weekdays, with a ‘boost’ function set to increase by 1 degree for 1 hour after being pressed. The eTRV is designed to reduce energy consumption and deliver higher levels of comfort by: • More accurate measurement of ambient temperature and set point than a traditional TRV and thereby reducing overheating. • Once set, it is tamper proof so that occupants cannot randomly change settings. • The eTRV+ has a ‘boost’ button that increases the temperature set point for 1 hour so that staff have the flexibility for a little extra heat on the coldest of days. • Containing individual schedules, the eTRV ensures that the radiator is off outside of occupancy hours. • Once a week the eTRV conducts a full open and close cycle to reduce valves sticking open or shut.   Full PDF can be viewed HERE

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