Wincanton Distribution Lighting & Controls

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22 Sep 2017

Wincanton Distribution Lighting & Controls

Lighting and controls at Wincanton

Several months after lighting and controls at Wincanton’s automated distribution centre in Corby were upgraded, the energy savings being achieved indicate the company is on target for realising the projected payback of just 1.6 years.

Existing 400W SON (high pressure sodium) fittings were replaced with Chalmor’s 4 x 54W and 2 x 28W Brilliance fittings on a point for point basis to provide higher lighting levels and better colour rendering for a significantly reduced installed electrical load. They are combined with Autolux controllers linked to daylight sensors and occupancy detectors. Consequently lighting can be dimmed when daylight levels are sufficient, and switched off in unoccupied areas. “We receive significant amounts of natural daylight through the roof lights, so we can now dim the lighting to take advantage of this – something that couldn’t be done with the SON lighting,” explained Wincanton's Site Engineering Manager Nathan Goudie. ”We are also using presence detection so that if an aisle is not in use the lighting can be switched off completely.” In addition to energy savings, the Brilliance fittings have enabled re-lamping schedules to be extended to three years or more, as they offer a 30,000 hour life. The Brilliance fittings can be switched in a variety of combinations to vary light levels. For example, for low background lighting just the 2 x 28W lamps can be switched on, and these can also be dimmed to compensate for natural daylight. In addition, the lamps are addressable through the Autolux controllers so that ‘lead and lag’ lamps can be alternated to ensure even burning hours for all lamps in each fitting. “The improved colour rendering has generated very positive comments from warehouse staff, especially on the night shift, because it makes picking much easier. The fact that we’ve been able to improve working conditions, reduce our carbon footprint and save money is a clear indication of the effectiveness of Chalmor’s lighting solution” Nathan added. Chalmor faced another challenge in lighting the canopy over the external loading bay area, where fittings will be subjected to low temperatures in winter. Evaluation of projected temperatures meant special low temperature lamps could be offered in addition to fittings that retained lamp heat. This enabled Chalmor to provide a solution that would be effective even in freezing conditions.

"Of the various companies we spoke to, Chalmor not only offered the best solution with the fastest payback, they also worked closely with us to analyse lighting needs and design the optimum control solution" - Nathan Goudie, Wincanton Engineering Manager

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